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The world-renowned Serengeti National Parkis a magnificent game park that sprawls across 5,700-plus square miles of northern Tanzania in eastern Africa. When American hunter-turned-conservationist Stewart Edward White first set foot in Serengeti in 1913, he described the journey: "We walked for miles over burnt out country... Then I saw the green trees of the river, walked two miles more and found myself in paradise."


Within the boundaries of Serengeti, you'll hear thousands of animals: Hyenas cackle as elephants trample well-worn safari roads and hippos splash in watering holes. And at any given time, more than 2,000 lions are poised to pounce on unsuspecting prey, preparing to chase their unlucky target through the seemingly endless waves of golden grass. The scenery rustles with the swift steps of loping giraffes, and tree branches shake with every monkey's movement. But the most magical site you'll behold is The Migration, during which White's paradise is drowned by a sea of stripes as more than one million wildebeest, zebras, and gazelle traverse Serengeti in search of greener pastures.

Serengeti National Park
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(410) 850-8588

Serengeti National Park

There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done.

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