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For the organized, logical traveler, Marrakech may seem like a nightmare. Its labyrinth of twisty alleyways are almost impossible to navigate, not that its array of snake-charmers, monkey-tamers, and spice sellers will let you go anywhere fast. The problem here isn't the city: It's your state-of-mind. Leave your structured daily routine behind, and let the ebb and flow of Marrakech draw you deeper into its colorful chaos.


Start your visit within the salmon-pink walls of Medina, which contrasts with the white, jagged peaks of the nearby Atlas Mountains. This ancient part of the city houses the famous Djemaa el Fna marketplace that brims with vendors selling everything from couscous to stories beneath creamy awnings. From here, allow yourself to be lured down the shadowy alleyways, where souks (or markets) filled with cones of burgundy, auburn, and citrine-hued spices exuding an aromatic haze. Stroll past the carpet sellers with their cobalt-, jade-, and crimson-threaded merchandise, and make your way to a hammam for a quick soak in the soothing, azure waters. Come nightfall, leave Medina behind for an evening of dancing beneath the neon lights of a Ville Nouvelle club. In all its years of existence, Marrakech has never paused for a breather. And in all the time you'll spend here, you shouldn't either.

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Let the ebb and flow of Marrakech draw you deeper into its colorful chaos

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